Un progetto fotografico di Filippo Tomasi

Io Sono Project

Cos’è il corpo per una ginnasta professionista? Come raccontare la sua potenza, elasticità, eleganza e forza? E qual è il rapporto tra l’atleta e il suo stesso corpo, strumento di lavoro fin dalla giovane età, che da una parte si pretende macchina perfetta, dall’altra deve fare i conti con la vita reale e i canoni imposti dalla società? Io sono è un progetto fotografico di Filippo Tomasi, professionista con anni di esperienza sui campi gara di tutto il mondo, in cui 17 ginnaste provenienti dall’universo dell’artistica e della ritmica hanno deciso di raccontarsi attraverso la propria fisicità, senza veli.

Un lavoro intenso, artistico, emozionante. “Io sono” nasce da lontano, attraversa l’estate, abbraccia la fatica delle palestre e restituisce un’immagine poetica, potente e vera: 17 ginnaste, campionesse di artistica e ritmica, hanno deciso di raccontarsi attraverso il proprio corpo, quello che si vuole macchina perfetta, ma che al tempo stesso si scontra con la vita reale.
Questo progetto parla di atlete, del loro corpo, dei loro sentimenti ed emozioni. Ho chiesto loro di mettersi a nudo, non una, ma ben due volte.

“Io Sono”:

A Poetic Journey Through Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics

This is a book that transcends the boundaries of art, athleticism, and the complex relationship individuals have with their bodies. “Io Sono,” a project that originated from passion, embraced the challenges of the gyms, and now offers a poetic, powerful, and authentic portrayal of 17 gymnasts in artistic and rhythmic gymnastics. These extraordinary athletes have chosen to narrate their stories through their bodies, symbolizing the pursuit of perfection while simultaneously confronting the realities of everyday life.

Photographer Filippo Tomasi, a seasoned professional in sports photography, lends his expertise to transform photography into a language, gestures into art, and black and white images into stories of struggle and growth. Through individual experiences, yet with a collective voice, these gymnasts affirm the right to reveal oneself for who they are, driven by the pleasure of sharing and asserting that every body is deserving, special, and beautiful.

The book opens with a thoughtful preface by Francesca Masserdotti of Assist Italy – the National Athletes Association. She addresses the challenges faced by young athletes in dealing with societal pressures regarding body image, emphasizing the need for a transformative shift in the sports environment. Masserdotti advocates for sports to be synonymous with health, insisting that coaches play a pivotal role not only in teaching their sport but also as educators. She calls for coaches to be well-rounded, honest, prepared, and attentive to the physical and mental well-being of their athletes.

“In adolescence, and not only then, living in our bodies is not easy. We are never satisfied; it is never as we would like it to be. If athletes are constantly weighed and told to lose weight, especially by the adults with whom they spend most of their time, then we have a problem. We are facing a sports environment that fails to protect our daughters, nieces, and students. This underscores the first necessary change that the world of sports must implement.”

Francesca Masserdotti’s words set the stage for the profound impact of “Io Sono,” a book that not only captures the physical prowess of these gymnasts but also addresses the broader societal issues surrounding body image and self-worth. The athletes, through the lens of Filippo Tomasi, invite us to reflect on the importance of embracing diversity, appreciating individuality, and recognizing the inherent beauty in every body.

The book concludes with postscripts by psychologists Eleonora Santarelli and Francesca Travagnin, further enriching the narrative with insights into the psychological aspects of the gymnasts’ journey.

“Io Sono” stands as a testament to the power of visual storytelling and the resilience of these gymnasts who, through their art, challenge societal norms and advocate for a healthier, more inclusive approach to sports. It is an intense, artistic, and emotional exploration that urges us all to reconsider our perceptions of beauty and worth.

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